About Us

Hey there! Welcome to DeckFAQs. I’m Hina Kanwal, and I started this website because I love everything about decks – how they look, how they make our homes better, and even how we build them. I wanted to make a place on the internet where anyone can come to find answers about decks. Whether you’re thinking about building one, fixing one up, or just dreaming about the perfect deck, you’re in the right spot.

Why DeckFAQs?

Ever had a question about decks and didn’t know where to start? That’s exactly why DeckFAQs is here. I remember when I had my first questions and how hard it was to find answers. So, I thought, why not make a website that has it all? From simple stuff like choosing the right wood, to the big questions like how to build a deck that’ll last years. We’ve got answers to everything.

What Makes Us Different

The internet’s a big place, but I wanted DeckFAQs to feel like your friendly neighbor who knows a lot about decks. We keep things easy to understand, so you don’t need to be an expert to start your deck project. We’re all about helping you, whether you’re fixing a small part of your deck or building a brand new one.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to help you make your dream deck a reality. We believe that with the right information, anyone can create a beautiful, safe, and long-lasting deck. We’re here to share everything we know, answer your questions, and even learn from you. DeckFAQs isn’t just my website; it’s a community where all of us deck lovers can hang out.

Join the DeckFAQs Family

Whether you’re here to find an answer to a quick question or you’re planning to dive into a big deck project, we’re glad you’re here. Browse through our FAQs, check out our how-to guides, and don’t be shy to reach out if you can’t find what you’re looking for. We’re always updating the site with new info, so chances are, we’ll have something new for you every time you visit.