Deck Vs Balcony: What’s The Difference?

Decks and balconies are similar because both are outdoor spaces attached to buildings, usually made of wood or similar materials. The main difference is that decks are open without a roof or walls, while balconies are enclosed with railings and often have a roof.

Balconies can be used all year, even when the weather is bad, unlike decks. They are also usually smaller than decks. A balcony might have just enough space for a couple of chairs and a small table, but a deck can often fit a big table and lots of chairs.

Sometimes, houses built on stilts have raised decks that can reach the second floor and look like balconies. These decks are big spaces for people to gather and have stairs or a walkway to the ground. Balconies usually don’t have a way to get to the ground, except in emergencies or for fire escapes.

What Is Balcony?

A balcony is a platform that sticks out from the upper floor of a building. It’s open on all sides, which lets in fresh air.

These platforms are part of the building’s outside and are usually surrounded by metal bars or concrete walls for safety. If you live in a house with more than one floor, you can have balconies on different levels.

There are two types of balconies. One kind has solid walls that keep people safe, but they might block some of the view.

The other kind has open bars that let you see more of the area around you. This is great if you live in a tall building because you can see a lot of the neighborhood.

Balconies are also a cool place to show off your decorating style. You can put things like a table, chairs, a sofa, plants, wall decorations, pictures, a desk, or even a grill out there.

The most important part is choosing nice-looking railings to make your balcony look great



  • Usually entered from inside the house.
  • Above ground level.
  • Surrounded by walls or railings.


  • Stronger than wood decks.
  • Good for small homes, especially on higher floors.
  • Easier to take care of.


  • Can be expensive and hard to add to a building.
  • Might crack and look bad.
  • Can get slippery in rain or cold.
  • Stains easily and needs frequent cleaning.

What Is Deck?

A deck is like a raised floor outside a house, where you can enjoy being outdoors. It’s usually made of things like wood, plastic, or metal with a vinyl cover. Not every house has a deck.

Decks are great for spending time outside. You can eat, relax, have parties, or grill food on them. Adding plants, lights, and comfy furniture can make a deck a really nice place to hang out.

There are different kinds of decks. Some are simple and flat with no steps, perfect for putting chairs and tables.

These are often seen in places like businesses or apartment buildings. Another type is the multi-level deck, which has different layers and needs stairs to move between them. This kind could have fancy spiral stairs or wooden steps attached to the building.



  • Easy to get to from your yard.
  • Lots of room for furniture and people.
  • No roof or walls, just open to the air.


  • Comfortable in sun and hot or cold weather.
  • You can change the look with paint or stain.
  • Increases your home’s value by about 65.8%.
  • Cheaper to build than other options on higher floors.
  • Big size makes it easier and cheaper to install.
  • Provides shade when built on a second level.
  • Easier to add features because of the materials used.


  • Can’t hold as much weight as other options.
  • Needs more maintenance and doesn’t last as long because of the materials.
  • Often needs a lot of permits to build.

Difference Between A Deck Vs Balcony

Choosing between a deck and a balcony depends on a few things like cost, style, maintenance, and what you want from your outdoor space.

Decks are great for hosting a lot of people and can be on the ground or raised up. They’re more flexible than balconies because they can easily connect to your yard, pool, or patio.

Balconies, on the other hand, are higher up and usually reached from inside your house, so they’re more private. They give you a bit of outdoor space right off your bedroom or living room but should look good with your yard too.

Installing a balcony can be more expensive than building a deck. If you want a big, adaptable outdoor area, a deck is a good choice. If you’re looking for a private spot to enjoy the fresh air, a balcony is better.

Even though people sometimes use the words “deck” and “balcony” like they’re the same, they’re actually quite different in terms of materials, care, looks, and overall feel.

Both decks and balconies are great for having people over and entertaining, but it’s important to notice their differences to make the best choice for your home.

Deck Vs Balcony: In-depth Comparison


Decks are usually made without roofs and often from composite wood or processed lumber. Real wood is also used but it can get damaged easily in bad weather.

Balconies use different materials like concrete, stone, or tiles. Sometimes wood is used, but it’s less common. Balconies often last longer than decks because their materials are more durable.


The cost depends on things like materials, where you’re building, and how big and fancy you want it. Balconies are generally cheaper to build and maintain than decks.

A basic deck costs more per square foot than a balcony. The more complex your deck design, the more it will cost. For small, budget-friendly options, balconies are a good choice.


Where your deck or balcony faces is important. South-facing balconies get a lot of sun, which is great for sunbathing but can get too hot in summer without shade.

West-facing decks can help keep your house cooler in the afternoon and block wind in winter.

Adding Value to Property

Decks can add more value to your house than balconies. A well-made deck or balcony can increase your home’s value by a good percentage.

In areas where outdoor living is a big deal, decks can add even more value. Composite decks are a good choice because they need less upkeep.


Balconies are easier to maintain than wooden decks. Wood can rot, crack, or splinter in different temperatures and weather conditions, so decks need more care.

If you live in a place with changing weather, you’ll have to keep up with deck maintenance. Balconies need some care too, but not as much to keep them looking good and your home appealing.

Final Thoughts

Decks and balconies are not the same, and both have their own good and bad points. Decks, which can be made of wood or other materials, can make your house look more modern and up-to-date.

Everyone likes a nice outdoor spot to hang out and have fun. Balconies can also give you extra space outside and are usually cheaper than decks. In the end, you should pick the one that works best for you.

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