Deck Vs Patio: Selecting the Best Outdoor Area

If you own a home and want to add something that looks good and increases its value, think about building a deck or patio. These are great choices if you’re on a budget and want a good return on your investment, plus they’re useful in many ways.

Decks are fancy options usually made with wood, while patios are more affordable and often built with stones. Both have their own benefits and offer great features. Let’s take a closer look at how they compare.

Deck Vs Patio: What’s The Difference?

Decks are raised areas made of wood and attached to your house, either on the first or second floor. Patios, on the other hand, are flat areas right on the ground, made of stone or concrete. They can be either attached to the house or separate.

You can use both decks and patios for fun outdoor things like BBQs, sunbathing, parties, or just relaxing. They can also have things like hot tubs, fire pits, and built-in seats or tables.

But, with wooden decks, you need to be careful about safety. Patios made of stone, bricks, or concrete are usually stronger and last longer, so they don’t need as much safety attention.

Pavers are similar to patios and are often connected to the house. They are made of concrete, stones, tiles, or bricks, and are tougher than decks, able to handle a lot of weight.

AspectDecksPatios (Pavers)
Good for extreme temperatures
Easy to change look (stain/paint)
Increases house value (~70%)
Offers more space
Easier and cheaper to install
Provides shade underneath if elevated
Easier to add features/expand
Cheaper to build
Low maintenance costs
Customizable shapes and sizes
Longer lifespan
Straightforward installation
Customization and decoration options
Strong against various weather conditions
Lower weight capacity
Requires more upkeep
Special permission often needed
Lower return on investment
Cannot build on second floors
Hard to fix; damage often permanent

What Are The Factors To Consider When Choosing Deck Vs Patio


Building a deck is more expensive, with costs typically ranging from $5,000 to $11,000. The price varies based on factors like wood type and additional features such as sealing or painting.

Composite wood is the most expensive option. In contrast, patios are more affordable, often costing around $3,600.

The final price of a patio depends on the type of stone used but doesn’t require extra expenses like sealing, making it a more budget-friendly option.


Adding a deck to your home can be a good investment, offering about a 70% return. This means a $10,000 deck could increase your home’s value by approximately $7,000.


On the other hand, patios offer a slightly lower return of around 50%, but they still significantly enhance your property’s value. This makes both options beneficial in terms of adding financial value to your home.

Digging Needs

Deck installation often involves digging, especially for elevated types. These require a stable foundation, which might include digging for concrete footings or anchors.

Floating decks are an easier option as they sit close to the ground and require minimal digging.

Patios are simpler in terms of installation, as they usually don’t need any digging and can be laid directly on various terrains, making them suitable for different landscape types.


Decks demand regular upkeep, including cleaning, sanding, and sealing, to protect them from weather elements and wear.

This is especially true for wood decks, which are more susceptible to weather damage. Patios require less maintenance, usually just needing occasional cleaning and inspections for cracks.

While they are easier to maintain, concrete patios can be harder to repair if they suffer significant damage.


Patios, often made from concrete or stone, are extremely durable. They can handle various weather conditions and heavy weights, making them a long-lasting option.

Decks, especially those made from natural wood, are less durable but can be made more resilient by choosing composite materials, which combine wood and plastic for added strength and weather resistance.



Decks can enhance the appearance of homes with enough outdoor space, offering a raised platform that can be attached to a higher story or built with a separate entrance.

They might not be suitable for smaller spaces as they can make the area look cramped. Patios are more adaptable to different spaces, fitting well in both large and small outdoor areas, and can be designed in various styles to complement your garden or yard.


If privacy is a concern, elevated decks may not be the best choice as they are more visible and open. Patios, being at ground level, offer more seclusion and are less exposed to neighbors and passersby.

This makes patios a preferable choice for those who prioritize privacy in their outdoor living spaces.

Final Thoughts

Improving your home with a deck or patio is a smart move. Both choices are useful and have their benefits.

Decks can increase your home’s value more and give it a stylish look. Patios are more affordable and make a strong impression.

Think about which option fits your needs and budget best. Once you’ve made your choice, go ahead and start your project right away!

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