Deck Vs Pavers: Optimal Outdoor Flooring Options

Decks and pavers are both good ways to make your backyard look better and increase your home’s value. They’re different, though. Pavers and composite decks are cool for your yard, but you have to choose one to build.

Decks cost more to make and don’t have many design options, but pavers are cheaper and you can do more with their look. Decks, however, can raise your home’s value more than pavers. Read on to learn more differences to help you decide which is better for you.

What Is A Deck?

A deck is like a raised floor outside your house, made for enjoying the outdoors. People usually use wood, plastic, or metal with a vinyl cover to build it. Not all homes have decks because they’re hard to make and need extra steps.

Decks are great for eating outside, relaxing, having outdoor parties, or BBQs. You can make them really nice with plants, lights, and comfy outdoor furniture.

Decks can be attached to your house or stand alone. There are different kinds:

  • Platform or Separate Decks: These don’t have any support underneath and are good for putting chairs and tables. They’re often found in big buildings or apartments.
  • Multi-level Decks: These have more than one level and usually need stairs to move between levels. They can have fancy stairs like spiral ones.

But mainly, there are two types:

  • Elevated Decks: These are built higher off the ground to keep the base safe and strong. They use special blocks, anchors, or concrete to hold them up.
  • Floating Decks: These are built just a little bit off the ground and don’t need to be dug in or raised up. But remember, floating decks are closer to the ground, so they can have more problems with dampness, weeds, bugs, and other issues.

Advantages of Decks

  • Decks can boost your home’s resale value significantly.
  • They offer a great view and are perfect for hosting events, dining, or relaxing.
  • You can customize decks with various designs, styles, and materials.
  • Raised decks are good for homes with uneven land or limited ground space.

Disadvantages of Decks

  • Decks are more expensive to build and maintain.
  • They need regular upkeep like staining, sealing, and repairs, especially if made of wood.
  • Decks might not last as long as pavers, especially in harsh weather.
  • You often need to get permits and follow building codes to build a deck.

What Is Paver?

A paver is like a deck, but it’s usually right on the ground and often connected to the house. It’s made from things like concrete, stones, tiles, and bricks, which are really strong and can handle a lot of weight.

Pavers are flat on the ground, not raised up like decks. This means they’re more private but it’s harder to see far off views from them. The good thing about pavers is that you can choose from lots of different designs and shapes, more than with decks.

Advantages of Pavers

  • Pavers are very durable, handle a lot of use, and aren’t much affected by weather.
  • They need little maintenance, mostly just cleaning and fixing cracks sometimes.
  • You have a lot of choices in materials, colors, and designs with pavers.
  • Installing pavers is usually easier and cheaper because they don’t need to be raised.

Disadvantages of Pavers

  • Pavers might not add as much value to your home when you sell it as decks do.
  • Since they’re on the ground, you don’t get as good a view, and they might not work well on uneven ground.
  • Weeds and moss can grow in the gaps between pavers, needing some care.
  • Pavers can become uneven over time and might need to be fixed or leveled.

Deck Vs Pavers: Key Features Comparison


When choosing between decks and pavers, think about the price. Decks cost around $30 – $60 for each square foot, making an average deck about $7000.

Pavers are cheaper, at $8 – $20 per square foot, so an average paver project might be around $3600.

The final cost depends on the materials, the size of the job, and where you live. Extra features like built-in seats or fancy lights will add to the cost.


Decks, especially wooden ones, need more care than pavers. You’ll need to clean them with a power washer and repaint or stain them every 3-6 years.

Sometimes, you might need to replace broken or warped parts. Pavers are easier; just power wash them and check for cracks. Decks need more attention, especially in changing weather, and can be expensive to maintain.


Pavers last longer and are tougher than decks. They can handle a lot of weight and bad weather without much damage.

Decks are strong too, but not as much as pavers. Composite decks are better in harsh weather and don’t get damaged easily. They’re also resistant to scratches, which is great for families.

Resale Value

Decks can add a lot of value to your home. If you spend $10k on a deck, you might increase your home’s value by $7k.

Pavers also add value but not as much as decks. The return on investment (ROI) for decks is usually around 70%, while for pavers it’s about 50%.


Both decks and pavers can last a long time with good care. Pavers last longer, often 10-20 years more than decks.

A wooden deck can last up to 15 years, while a composite deck can last about 50 years. Stone pavers can last up to 100 years!

Ease of Installation

Installing a deck is more difficult and costly because it’s raised off the ground. You’ll need to level the ground and prepare it.

Pavers are simpler to install since they’re just laid on the ground. Decks need extra work to protect against weather, like waterproofing. Pavers might need posts and a ceiling for support, but not as much as decks.

Deck Vs Pavers: Making The Right Choice

If you’re willing to spend more for a higher home value and like a good view, go for a deck. But, if you prefer something that’s durable, needs less maintenance, and is cheaper to install, then pavers are a better choice.

Both decks and pavers are good choices, but you need to think carefully before deciding.

Consider how much you can spend, what you want to achieve, and how long you plan to stay in your house. This will help you choose the best option for you.

Final Thoughts

Decks and pavers are both great ways to make your house more valuable and give you a nice place to hang out with family and friends.

They have similar benefits and can both be great additions to your backyard. Think about what you like and what works best for your home.

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