Kreg Deck Jig vs Camo: Deck Building Tools Reviewed

The Kreg deck jig and the Camo clip are tools to put deck boards in place without showing screws. The Kreg jig is made of plastic and has two angled holes for screws. It comes with some tools and screws.

The Camo Fastener holds the boards from both sides and helps you put screws in easily, but it can be hard to use after the deck is built. Both are good for making decks without screw marks, but they work differently.

How Do Camo And Kreg Jig Work?

Camo makes different tools for putting decks together easily and quickly. These tools are good for most types of decking like composite, PVC, pressure-treated wood, and oak.

They have clamps, guides, and tools that work well and can be used with parts from other brands. They’re not just for decks, but for other projects too.

Kreg, on the other hand, makes a great tool for drilling holes at an angle in PVC, wood, or softwood floors. It’s easy to hold and has metal guides for drilling in three directions, which is handy for tight spots or corners.

It drills holes at a 45° angle and is easy to use. It also makes sure screws go in at the right depth and angle, so they’re hidden and strong. The Kreg jig even has a special spot for setting up the drill correctly.

FeatureCamoKreg Deck Jig
Ease of UseEasy to useUser-friendly
ComfortComfortable for knees and body
Pre-Drilling RequirementNo need for pre-drilling
Compatibility with Flooring TypesFits most types of flooring
Quality of Tools, Screws, and ClipsHigh-quality tools, screws, and clips
Brand-Specific Screws RequirementOnly works with screws made by the same company
Visibility of Screw HeadsScrew heads are slightly visible at the edges
Suitability for Taller UsersMight be too small for taller users
Suitability for Fastening TasksSuitable for all kinds of fastening tasks
Grip StrengthStrong grip
Drilling Holes at Right AnglesDrills holes at the right angles without wood splitting

What’s The Difference Between Kreg Deck Jig And Camo?

Screwing System

The Kreg Deck Jig features an open screw system, which means you can see the screws and choose any type you like.

To use it, you place a spacer, align it with the deck, and then screw in from the top. This system is flexible because it allows you to use a variety of screws.


On the other hand, the Camo system has a closed screw system. With Camo, you can install two screws at once without the need to hold them in place, but you lose the flexibility of choosing different screws.


When it comes to spacers, which are needed for proper alignment in deck projects, Kreg requires separate spacers.

These spacers come with the jig and are available in different sizes, but they can be a bit difficult to handle as they need to be held in place.

Camo offers a more convenient solution with its built-in spacer, ensuring consistent spacing and ease of use without the worry of spacers falling out.

Undoing Work

If you need to redo or undo your work, Kreg offers an easier experience. Its screws are simple to remove, which is handy if you make a mistake or need to change something.

Conversely, the Camo system is more challenging to reverse. Its screws are set deeper into the deck, making them harder to remove and more prone to breaking during the process.

Double-Sided Vs Single-Sided

In terms of design, the Camo deck fastening tools can hold screws for both edges of the deck simultaneously, which is a significant advantage.

This dual-sided capability means you don’t have to flip the fastener to work on the other side of the deck.

The Kreg deck jigs, however, only work on one side at a time. To work on the opposite side, you need to rotate the deck, which can be less efficient.

Essential Skill Level

The Kreg deck jig is ideal for quick fixes and is very user-friendly, making it suitable for those who like to handle small repairs themselves. It’s straightforward and doesn’t require many additional tools.

The Camo system, in contrast, is almost at a professional level. It’s designed for those who need a robust tool and are comfortable with carrying more equipment. It’s better suited for professional use rather than for beginners.

Splitting Concerns

When it comes to splitting wood, the Kreg jig is more likely to cause this issue while drilling. The deck can start to chip around the area where you’re drilling.

Camo, however, has a cleaner way of inserting screws and usually only causes wood splitting when the screws are being removed. This is due to the depth at which Camo screws penetrate the wood.


Price and Quality Comparison

When you compare the price and how well they’re made, Camo’s fastener is slightly better than Kreg’s. They’re both good in terms of quality and lasting a long time.

But, the Kreg deck jigs cost more for what you get, and they’re not as solid as Camo’s. Kreg’s tool can also move around when you’re drilling.

Kreg Deck Jig vs Camo: Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing between Kreg deck jigs and Camo tools depends on your skill level and what you need long-term.

If you’re a pro, you might need something more than what Kreg offers. Kreg is great for easy, do-it-yourself jobs.

But if you want something more professional, go for Camo tools. Keep in mind, though, Camo tools can be harder to fix and might start making noise sooner.

If you want something that lasts longer, Kreg might be better. But overall, Camo is usually the better choice.

Final Thoughts

Both Kreg deck jig and Camo tools are pretty similar. But there are some key things that might make you prefer one over the other.

The Kreg deck jig comes with everything you need to hide screws on your deck. It’s been around for a while, so it’s pretty reliable.

It’s good for quick jobs on wood or composite decks. Camo, on the other hand, is a high-quality tool for attaching deck boards.

It has spacers for both sides of the deck and places to hold screws, making it easy to use. If you’re a professional contractor, Camo might be the better choice for you.

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