Privacy Policy

At, keeping your personal information secure is our topmost consideration. Here, we have compiled a comprehensible guide about:

  • Definite personal information we obtain when you take guidance from our website.
  • How do we use your data and keep it secure from any third-party violation?

What Personal Data We Collect And Why We Collect It


When users give feedback in the comment section, it provides us:

  1. User provided details
  2. IP Address
  3. Browser’s User Agent String (UA)

It is to ascertain spam detection!

We use “Gravatar Service” to detect an anonymized String (hash) that your email address may create.

When your comment is authorized, your profile picture is set to public visibility in connection with your comment.

Your email address remains secure from third parties, and we do not collect or add it to any type of email list (newsletter or marketing email list).


There’s no option for uploading images or other media files to our website. However, if you do so, be vigilant not to upload images that include embedded location data (EXIF GPS).

Note: The users who visit our website can download these Images and extract the location data if present.

Contact Forms

At, we only collect data (name, email address, or any other personal information) that is entered in the contact form. It is sent to us via email and gets saved and secured for the purpose of any further contact by your side.

Log Files

As a general rule, we also take into consideration the user data present in log files. This data refers to:

  • IP (Internet Protocol) address
  • ISP (Internet Service Provider) that includes AOL or Shaw Cable
  • Browser and Time of visiting our website
  • Other Activities performed on our website, such as the pages that users explore.


We have an affiliation with third-party advertising that includes Amazon affiliates and Google ads to support advertising on our website. In general, Google Adsense and Amazon can collect and make use of certain data for the reason of advertising plans.

Cookies and Web Beacons

The third-party advertisers that we have in a connection may use programs such as cookies and web beacons. This gives access to the advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) to assess the collected user data for the purpose of geotargeting and provide ads to the users based on their personal preferences.

If you don’t want other websites to track or monitor your activity, turn off or disable the cookies/third-party cookies option in your browser setting. However, it can cause hindrance in your user experience on our website.

You can also choose to save your login information in cookies after giving feedback that can last for one year.

For registered users on our website, a temporary cookie is brought into action to monitor if their browser accepts cookies. It does not collect any personal data and vanishes when the user closes the browser.

When a user is logged into our website, we set up various cookies to save the login data and users’ screen display options.

These login cookies will end in two days, and the display option cookies stay for 12 months. However, the login information remains saved in cookies for two weeks if they choose the “Remember Me” option and gets removed as soon as the account gets logged out.

GDPR Compliance

We make sure to abide by the GDPR and protect our user’s personal data. The privacy policy is enforced in a manner that no third parties can access it without any prior authorization from the user or our website.

If an EU citizen violates the regulations, they have the full right to file their complaint with us. We take it seriously and investigate the matter in detail. We are also prepared to provide you with the information that you need regarding any data stored by us or any third party associated with us.

California Online Privacy Protection Act:

The CalOPPA (California Online Privacy Protection Act) is an internet privacy law requiring companies operating websites and publicly available mobile applications to post a conspicuous privacy policy. As per the policy, users are given complete authority over their personal data while they visit our website. See more at:


By using or accessing the website, you consent to our privacy policy and agree to its terms.

Questions or Complaints

If you have any questions regarding our privacy statement, feel free to contact us via the contact form on our website. We welcome feedback about our privacy policies and are ready to address any grievances that you might have with regard to this matter. Thank you for your time and understanding.

Embedded Content From Other Websites

The article users read on this website contains embedded content in the form of videos, images, articles, and other categories. These embedded content hold a separate identity and function as another website you may visit.

When visiting these websites, they may collect your data, request for cookies permission, include further embedded third-party tracking, and get access to your interaction regarding the embedded content you explored along with the logged-in information on those websites.


We have set up automatic data collection technology (Google Analytics) to gather certain information about the user. This data includes:

  • Location, Type of user’s device, and Internet Connection
  • IP Address, Operating System, and Browser type
  • Usage preference and tracking transfer of any information between the user device and this website

The main reason for collecting this data is to enhance statistical data and improve our website functionality. It does not include any of your personal information.

If you don’t want Google Analytics to access and store your data, you can opt out by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add.

If you have further queries on how Google handles your data, here is the privacy policy of Google.

Who We Share Your Data With

We never compromise your personal data with any other source. For storing email addresses provided by users voluntarily, we do take the assistance of a third-party email provider. Here is the link to the privacy policy for SendInBlue.

How Long Do We Retain Your Data

When you give us feedback through the comment section, its metadata is stored for an indefinite period. We do so to assemble and approve any follow-up comments automatically as an alternative to keeping them in a moderation string.

What Rights You Have Over Your Data

If you wish to extract all of your saved personal data on our website and want to request its deletion, then you can email or contact us on our website. However, it excludes the critical data we are bound to keep for administrative, legal, or security reasons.

Our Contact Information

For further queries regarding your data privacy, You can contact us.