Rubber Mulch Under Deck: Benefits and Usage

Rubber mulch is made from recycled tires and is often used under decks. It looks good, stays in place for a long time, and helps stop weeds from growing.

It also prevents the soil from eroding away. But, there’s a downside to using rubber mulch. It might release harmful chemicals, which can lower the quality of the soil.

Even with these issues, rubber mulch can be a good choice, especially for plants that like shade. If you’re thinking about using rubber mulch under your deck, this article will help you understand more about it and how to spread it properly.

How to Put Mulch Under a Deck?

First, clean up the area under your deck. Remove any plants, leaves, or trash from the ground. Then, lay down a cloth that lets water through, like a landscape fabric, on the ground. This fabric stops weeds from coming up through the mulch.

Next, put something around the edges to keep the mulch in place and also to hold the fabric down. You can use any kind of non-wood mulch like pebbles or rubber mulch.

Spread the mulch evenly under your deck, making sure it’s about 3 to 5 inches deep. If you need more mulch to get the right depth, just add more until it looks good.

Simple Steps for Adding Mulch Under Your Deck

Clean Up the Area

First, use a rake to clean under the deck. Remove leaves, sticks, and other stuff. If you find tough plants, pull them out with a hoe and rake again until the ground is clear and slightly slopes away from your house.

Lay Down Landscape Fabric

Next, roll out a special fabric that lets water through on the ground. Do it in long pieces and overlap them by about 6 inches. Use special staples to pin the fabric down at the overlaps and edges. This stops weeds from growing up through the mulch.

Add a Border

Put a border around the fabric to keep the mulch in place. You can use wood, plastic, metal, or stone for the border. Make sure it looks neat and matches your deck.

Spread the Mulch

Use a wheelbarrow to put stones or rubber mulch inside your border. Then, spread it evenly with a rake or hoe, starting from the edge and moving to the middle. Be careful not to rip the fabric. Add the mulch in layers to make it easier.

Check Mulch Depth

The mulch should be about 3-5 inches deep. Use a ruler to check the depth in a few spots. Add more if it’s too thin, or take some away if it’s too thick. Make sure the mulch follows the ground’s slope for good drainage.

Is Rubber Mulch Good for Under Decks?

Rubber mulch is a good choice for under decks. It has a lot of benefits like lasting a long time and stopping weeds. We’ll compare rubber mulch with other types like pebbles and bark to see which is best.

Choosing the Right Mulch for Under Your Deck

Rubber Mulch under deck DIY
Rubber Mulch under deck DIY

Rubber Mulch vs. Bark Mulch

Rubber mulch is often better than bark mulch for under decks. It doesn’t attract bugs and is softer to walk on. Rubber mulch also lasts longer because it breaks down slowly and handles weather and rain better. Plus, it’s cheaper and comes in many colors, so you can match it to your yard.

Rubber Mulch or Gravel

If you’re stuck between rubber mulch and gravel for under your deck, think about how each one works. Both are good, but it depends on what you need and the space under your deck.

Best Mulch Types for Under Decks

The best mulches for under decks are gravel, stones, and rubber. They stop plants from growing and don’t rot. Avoid using wood chips, tree mulch, leaves, straw, or nut shells. These can trap water and make a damp area under your deck, leading to rot and fungus, which can damage your house and deck.

Stick to gravel, stones, or rubber mulch. Stay away from wood or bark mulches to avoid rot and fungus.

What to Know Before Using Rubber Mulch Under Your Deck

Thinking About Rubber Mulch? Here’s What to Consider

  1. How It Looks
    Rubber mulch can look more modern than gravel. Think about the style you want under your deck. Rubber mulch comes in different colors, so you can choose one that matches your yard.
  2. Taking Care of It
    Rubber mulch is easier to handle than gravel. It doesn’t need to be replaced or moved around as much.
  3. Cost
    Rubber mulch is usually more expensive than gravel. But, the price can vary. Colored rubber mulch might be cheaper than some fancy gravel types.
  4. Is It Eco-Friendly?
    Rubber mulch is made from recycled tires, which is good for reducing waste. Gravel is natural. Both don’t harm the environment much.
  5. How You’ll Use the Area
    If the area under your deck gets a lot of foot traffic, gravel might be better. But for low-maintenance, rubber is a good choice.


  • It needs less care than wood mulch and lasts about 10 years.
  • It doesn’t attract certain bugs like wood mulch does.
  • It handles flooding and wind better than wood mulch.
  • It’s good at stopping weeds, mostly around the edges.
  • It does degrade eventually, helped by soil microbes.


  • It’s more expensive than wood mulch.
  • It can catch fire more easily than wood mulch and burns hotter.
  • Despite claims, it can fade like wood mulch.
  • You can’t mix it into the soil, so weeding is manual.
  • If it gets into the soil, it’s tough to get out.
  • It can release chemicals harmful to some plants and animals.
  • It may release harmful gases when hot, especially on playgrounds.
What Is rubber mulch under deck
What Is rubber mulch under deck

FAQs Regarding What to Put Under Your Deck

What’s the Best Thing to Put Under a Deck?

Rubber mulch is great for under decks. It looks nice, stops weeds, and protects the soil. But, there are other choices like gravel, vinyl, and metal. Each has its good and bad points, but rubber mulch is often the top pick.

What are the Downsides of Rubber Mulch?

Rubber mulch can be pricey, might catch fire near heat, can lose color over time, and needs you to pull weeds by hand. It’s useful but has some drawbacks to think about.

What Should I Use for Ground Cover Under My Deck?

A landscape fabric with gravel or rock on top is best under a deck. The gravel keeps the fabric down and lets water drain, stopping weeds from growing close to your deck.

How Can I Keep Under My Deck Dry?

To keep it dry, you can install a special ceiling system under the deck. This stops water from coming through. Waterproof deck mats are another option. They’re made to handle moisture well.

How Do I Stop Mold Under My Deck?

To prevent mold, use a ceiling system under your deck that has gutters and downspouts. These catch and move water away, keeping the area dry and mold-free.

What Can I Use Under an Outdoor Deck?

For outdoor decks, rubber mulch is good for stopping weeds. Gravel is another choice that looks nice and helps prevent mold. If you need to keep water out, an under-deck ceiling system is a smart choice to stop water from dripping down and causing mold.

Final Thoughts

Rubber mulch is a great choice for under your deck. Now that you know how to use it, make sure to put down a good, thick layer of the high-quality rubber mulch you buy. If you live in a place with mild weather, using rubber mulch under your deck can even make a nice play area for your kids.

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