What to Put Under Deck to Prevent Weeds?

If you have a deck, you might have noticed weeds growing underneath it. To stop this, you can use a few different methods. One easy way is to put landscape cloth under your deck.

This stops weeds from coming through. You can also use products that prevent weeds before they start, or use weed killers that last a long time.

Putting gravel under your deck is another good option. But, avoid using mulch or plastic sheets, as they might not work well.

Remember to regularly check and maintain your deck area to keep weeds away. Before you start, make sure the ground under your deck lets water drain and then cover it with a layer that doesn’t break down, like stone or gravel.

This way, you can enjoy your outdoor space without worrying about weeds.

Easy Ways to Keep Weeds Away Under Your Deck

Laying Landscape Fabric

Before you build your deck, put down landscape fabric on the ground. This fabric lets water through but stops weeds from growing.

Make sure to cover the whole area where your deck will be. This fabric keeps the weeds from getting sunlight and growing.

Adding Gravel

Putting gravel under your deck looks nice and helps keep it clean. But, to really stop weeds, first lay landscape fabric, then put 3 to 4 inches of gravel on top. This keeps the fabric in place and stops weeds from growing through.

Using Long-Lasting Weed Killers

If weeds start growing under your deck, try long-lasting weed killers. These can keep the area weed-free for a whole year. You won’t need to take apart your deck to use them.

Regular Deck Checks

Always check your deck for weeds. If you ignore it, weeds can grow fast and become hard to control. Regular maintenance stops weeds before they become a big problem.

Applying Herbicides

You can use chemical herbicides to kill weeds under your deck. But be careful, these can be harmful to people, pets, and the environment. Use natural herbicides with ingredients like salt or citrus oil. Always wear protective gear and keep kids and pets away until it dries.

Pre-Emergent Weed Killers

To prevent weeds in the spring, use pre-emergent weed killers. These kill weeds as they start growing. Apply them early in the season before weeds have a chance to grow.

Trying Natural Weed Killers

For a natural option, use horticultural vinegar with a bit of dish soap. This mix sticks to weeds and kills them. You can spray this under your deck to kill weeds. Corn gluten meal is another natural choice. Spread it under your deck in early spring to stop weeds from growing.

Can I Manage the Weeds Manually?

You can definitely pull out weeds by hand, depending on how big your deck is. If there’s enough space under your deck to crawl or walk, just pull out any weeds you see.

For decks that are closer to the ground but still have a bit of space, you can use a long-handled hoe to get rid of the weeds.

This works well for weeds that only grow for one season, but the ones that come back every year might keep growing back from their roots.

What to Avoid Putting Under Your Deck

Preventing weeds under deck
Preventing weeds under deck

Avoid Plastic Sheeting

Don’t use plastic sheets under your deck. They stop rainwater from draining properly, leading to puddles. This can create bad smells and attract bugs like mosquitoes.

Say No to Mulches

Mulch is not a good choice for under your deck. It can get wet and start to rot, causing a bad smell and fungal growth. Instead, gravel is a better option to protect your landscaping fabric. Another choice is synthetic soil made from recycled tires.

Why Not to Use Soil

You shouldn’t put soil under your deck to stop weeds. It can cause trash to build up, making your outdoor space look messy.

The deck is meant to make your space look better, not worse.

Sand Is a No-Go

Like soil, sand isn’t good for under your deck. It can help weeds grow, especially when it gets wet from the rain. So, avoid using soil or sand around your deck.

Simple Ways to Get Rid of Weeds Under Your Deck

To control weeds under your deck, try to keep the area dry. Use drip irrigation or soaker hoses for your nearby plants instead of sprinklers. This helps to keep water away from the weeds.

For a natural weed killer, mix 1 cup of salt with 2 cups of water and pour it under your deck.

This mix can kill existing weeds and prevent new ones. Boiling water can also kill weeds directly. The salt solution changes the soil’s salt level, making it hard for plants to grow there.

Another easy method is to spray vinegar mixed with a few drops of dish soap on the weeds. This natural mix can kill weeds without harmful chemicals.

Easy Winter Weed Control Tips

how to prevent weeds under deck
how to prevent weeds under deck

Treating Broadleaf Weeds

In cooler areas, weeds like dandelions and chickweed keep growing even in winter. These weeds are easy to spot against the dormant, brown grass.

Use a weed killer specifically for these winter weeds. For example, Tenacity is a good choice for killing annual winter weeds and broadleaf ones.

Dealing with Winter Grasses

In warm winter areas, some grasses go dormant in winter but invasive grasses stay green. These grasses, like rescue grass and poa annua, can create green patches under your deck in winter.

They turn brown in summer. To control these, you need to target them specifically in winter.

Using Winter Weed and Feed

For places with cold winters, a winter weed and feed product is useful. This helps feed the ground under your deck while killing weeds.

Apply fertilizer, compost, or weed and feed during winter. This way, the ground absorbs the nutrients and gets ready for spring.

Winter weed killers work well in damp conditions, unlike other weed killers that need dry ground. Some weed and feed products use peanut husks soaked in weed killer.

When it rains, these husks stick to weeds and release the killer, making them more effective.

Final Thoughts

If you don’t take care of the area under your deck, weeds can grow and make it look bad. They can even damage the deck boards.

So, it’s important to get rid of weeds as soon as you see them. To prevent new weeds, use a pre-emergent weed killer. For existing weeds under your deck, use a strong, long-lasting weed killer.

If you prefer not to use chemicals, natural options like vinegar or corn gluten meal can also work well.

Be careful with the methods you choose. For example, using plastic sheets under your deck can cause water to collect and attract bugs. Pick weed control methods that keep your deck looking good without causing other problems.

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